A Fast 2D Texture ContentImporter using DevIL.NET

As my XNA project grows larger and larger in terms of content, I try to isolate the bottlenecks of content compilation. Because even if theoretically all content builds are incremental, everytime you play with your content pipeline assemblies, everything needs to be rebuilt… and that gets seriously annoying if your build takes more than 5 minutes.

I noticed that the built-in TextureImporter isn’t exactly fast, even for very small textures (under 256×256). Looks like it uses a lot of “legacy” Direct3D code that takes a while to initialize and spends more time doing that than processing the texture. So I tried making my own simplistic TextureImporter to handle 2D textures with standard RGBA colors, but fast.

I started with the built-in System.Drawing.Bitmap class, but it doesn’t support a very wide array of image formats. I then tried using the managed wrapper for FreeImage and Tao.DevIl, both seemed a little backwards or clunky for the small amount of work I needed it to do. Then I gave DevIL.NET a shot and it does exactly what I want : load any image, get a GDI+ Bitmap object. Perfect!

Here’s the code of my FastTextureImporter, which only supports 2D textures, only parses the first mip level, and assumes a RGBA format, which should actually be fine for most textures. It supports the DDS format, which allows much more format options, but should not be used on 3D or Cube textures, and would also lose DXT compression.

1using System.Drawing;
2using System.Drawing.Imaging;
3using System.IO;
4using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
5using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline;
6using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics;
7using Color=Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Color;
9namespace MyContentPipeline.Importers
11[ContentImporter(".bmp", ".cut", ".dcx", ".dds", ".ico", ".gif", ".jpg", ".lbm", ".lif", ".mdl", ".pcd", ".pcx", ".pic", ".png", ".pnm", ".psd", ".psp", ".raw", ".sgi", ".tga", ".tif", ".wal", ".act", ".pal",
12    DisplayName = "DevIL.NET Texture Importer", DefaultProcessor = "TextureProcessor")]
13public class FastTextureImporter : ContentImporter<Texture2DContent>
15    public override Texture2DContent Import(string filename, ContentImporterContext context)
16    {
17        var content = new Texture2DContent
18        {
19            Identity = new ContentIdentity(new FileInfo(filename).FullName, "DevIL.NET Texture Importer")
20        };
22        using (var bitmap = DevIL.DevIL.LoadBitmap(filename))
23        {
24            var bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height),
25                                             ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bitmap.PixelFormat);
27            int byteCount = bitmapData.Stride * bitmap.Height;
28            var bitmapBytes = new byte[byteCount];
29            Marshal.Copy(bitmapData.Scan0, bitmapBytes, 0, byteCount);
31            bitmap.UnlockBits(bitmapData);
33            var bitmapContent = new PixelBitmapContent<Color>(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
34            bitmapContent.SetPixelData(bitmapBytes);
35            content.Mipmaps.Add(bitmapContent);
36        }
38        content.Validate();
39        return content;
40    }

I tested it with all the 2D textures in my project, and the build speed difference is really noticeable. It also accepted all my textures, although I don’t use DXT compression nor exotic formats like A8/L8, so I can’t guarantee that it works for everything.

This class should go in a ContentPipelineExtension project which has a reference to the DevIL.NET2 assembly, and the DevIL.dll file in its build path. You can get those on DevIL.NET’s website; even though the last release dates from 2007, it works great.

Things you should know before/while making an Xbox XNA game

So I started toying around (read: developing full-time) with Xbox programming using XNA GS 3.0. In fact I took a big Windows Game project with many satellite Game Libraries, a Content Pipeline Extension, a content editor, an automatic serialization library… and “ported” most of it to Xbox. But since the editor will remain Windows-based, the engine and most of the code needs to stay cross-platform, compatible with both Windows and Xbox.

And I hit a few walls.

I feel like these are things many people working with XNA will encounter. XNA’s been around for a while now, since version 1.0. Many of these things are already widely discussed in the blogosphere and forums. Also, I’m aware that GS 3.1 is around the corner and it’ll address at least the first point of my rant…

Still, here’s a handful of things that surprised or annoyed me in the transition :

1. ContentTypeReaders need to stay out of Content Pipeline Extension project(s)

Suppose you have a pretty big project that has custom datatypes, and those datatypes are compiled to XNB files using custom ContentTypeWriters and then read back using ContentTypeReaders. You usually need a Content Pipeline Extension project for that, and this project would reference your Engine or whatever project owns the datatypes that you want to compile.

Before very recently, I never quite understood why all official samples had the Reader classes in the Game project, while the Processors, Writers and Importers were all in the Content Pipeline Extension project. Why decouple it like that, and why join them with a fully-qualified assembly string in the GetRuntimeReader method of Writer classes? Moreover, putting Readers in my Extension project always worked in my Windows-only solutions, and it all felt nice and clean.

But when doing everything for Xbox and Windows, the reason becomes clear…

The Content Pipeline Extension project is a standard C# project in XNA GS 3.0. Not a “Game Library” project or any other special container. This means that it won’t be duplicated if you do an Xbox version, and it makes sense; you only need to compile content on your Windows machine.

So your Content Pipeline Extension needs to have a reference to your content datatypes, in some Game Library project. Since the Extension is for Windows only, it’d reference the Windows version of that Game Library. And then if your Readers are in the Extension, your Xbox game needs to reference it to load assets… which means the Xbox and Windows versions of your data structure Library project would coexist on the Xbox. This can’t work!

Besides, the Xbox project doesn’t need to access Processors, Importers and Writers. All it needs to be able to read content and then use it. These other content pipeline classes may even use Windows-specific assemblies like GDI+, why not? They’re certainly useful for image processing.

So bottom line, keep Readers in your Game project if it’s a small project, or in a Game Library for both Xbox and Windows. And if your Content Pipeline can reference this Readers-container, then no need for a hardcoded String for GetRuntimeReader, you can just get the assembly-qualified-name from Reflection classes!

2. The Xbox doesn’t like garbage

The first thing I noticed after I got the game running were hiccups in the framerate, every two seconds or so. But the framerate apart from that was a constant 60. I half-expected this,… it’s the garbage collection.

This paper by three people at the FZI Research Center for Information Technology explains it much better than I can, so I’ll just quote them… :

The .NET Framework on PC uses a generational approach, making garbage collections less painful and more resilient to large numbers of objects. With 512 MiB of GDDR3 memory shared between GPU and CPU the Xbox 360 garbage collector can’t afford such luxury.
The garbage collection of the .NET Compact Framework for the Xbox 360 always has to check all objects. Therefore the time a collection takes increases linearly with the number of objects. Further a collection will be triggered whenever 1 MiB of memory has been allocated.

This means you really need to stop carelessly allocating to the heap when doing an Xbox game. There are several “known causes” of heap garbage with the XNA Framework, but it’s easy to start going on a witch-hunt and replacing all foreach(in) statements by plain for(;;) or stuff like that… It’s a much better idea to find out what are the bottlenecks in your application and fix them starting by the bigger ones. You’ll probably end up solving most of the jittering without making your code look like C.

The above paper presents some options for memory profiling like the CLR Profiler and XNA Framework Remote Performance Monitor, both of which I have yet to try, but sounds like excellent free tools to address this issue.

Update : See this post for more information on typical causes of heap garbage.

3. The Compact .NET Framework needs your help

The Xbox .NET implementation is not the full-blown framework, it’s based on a subset called the Compact Framework, which is also used on mobile devices and embedded systems. This comes at a small cost : you have to complete it to fit your needs.

It’s actually pretty cool that LINQ is supported and all 3.0 features work flawlessly. But here’s a short list (off the top of my head) of things I found missing, some important, some easily worked around, all of them at least mildly annoying… :

  • Enum.GetValues(), Enum.GetNames(), Enum.GetName() : These are all missing from the CF. There is an old thread on the XNA forums that proposes alternatives that use Reflection. I found them to be working great.
  • ParameterizedThreadStart : You can’t start a Thread with a context object in the CF. You then need a shared context object in the parent class.
  • Type.GetInterface(string, [bool]) : You can’t query the interface of a type via reflection in the CF… at least not a single one by name. The GetInterfaces() method is supported, so might as well just use that.
  • Math.Log(double, double) : Actually, there is a Log(double) function, but it’s with the natural base. The custom-base one is not supported. Seriously? (and I know, the workaround is a one-liner)
  • HashSet : I love the .NET 3.5 HashSet generic class. It’s really complete, super fast… but the CF doesn’t have it. I ended up faking one with a Dictionary as a backing collection, and rewriting the set operators (UnionWith, IntersectWith, etc.) that I really used.

4. You’ll pretty much need a Content project

I don’t like the fact that in a standard XNA project, the content is compiled at build-time, in the Visual Studio IDE. For many reasons… one of them being that I’m not the one producing the content, the artist does, and he certainly doesn’t want to have Visual Studio installed. Another one being that my Content Processors are super heavy and VS sometimes crashes with a OutOfMemoryError before the build completes.

So what I did is write a content compiling tool that uses the MSBuild API to generate something like the .contentproj (yet simpler) based on the filesystem automatically, and compile it externally without needing Visual Studio. This works really great for Windows, we’ve been using it for months now.

But for Xbox… the deployment process is also tied to Visual Studio. And I’m not expert enough at MSBuild technologies to be able to replicate deployment outside of it. So I ended up making a content project only for the Xbox version of my Game project, and compile it separately when I need to test on XNA Game Studio Connect. This works OK, but I’m still a little unhappy about this whole Visual Studio dependency. I hope they look into it properly in the future.

So I was under the impression that you needed to have a content project for Xbox deployment, but Leaf (first comment) pointed out two ways of handling content compilation outside of Visual Studio. I’m definitely going to use the first one!


These are the big points for now. Stuff I thought about adding : RenderTargets act different on Xbox and PC (but Shawn Hargreaves already blogged extensively on the subject and it’s way better than it used to be), Edit-And-Continue is not supported when debugging on the Xbox (but that would’ve been asking for the moon!), you get different warnings for shader compilation when targeting the Xbox360 platform so you should pay attention to that, etc. etc.

I’m still very much halfway through the conversion process, and I’m still learning, and still discovering oddities. If you have advice or corrections, please let me know through comments! On my part I’ll keep this post updated if I hit another big wall.

Effect Compiler & Disassembler

Updated! Now supports nVidia’s ShaderPerf tool.


EffectCompiler.zip [51.3kb] – XNA Game Studio Express 2.0 (Visual C# 2005 Express), Source + Binaries


Yesterday I took apart my Effect Compiling Tool which took a HLSL shader and converted it to Windows/Xbox360 bytecode, and made it into something more useful outside of XNA.

It’s always been somewhat of a hassle for me to compile and disassemble HLSL shaders. I can edit them pretty well in Visual Studio with code coloring and tabulations/undo’s/whatnot, but to compile them I always had to go with something else. I had read in the book Programming Vertex and Pixel Shaders by W.Engel how to compile them in VC++ 2005 using a Custom Build Step and fxc.exe, but when working in C# I had to have a parallel C++ project just for shaders, which is dumb. Also, fxc.exe has become less and less stable for some reason… So I finally made my own compiler and disassembler using XNA 2.0.

Continue reading Effect Compiler & Disassembler

Making an installer for an XNA GS 2.0 game

There is an ongoing thread on the XNA Creators Club forums about how to create an installer using Inno Setup, a free and very capable installer program.

The script described by Pelle in the first posts of this thread works great for XNA GSE 1.0 and Refresh, but is problematic for XNA GS 2.0 games because of the dependency on .NET 2.0 Service Pack 1. I won’t bring much new information in this post, but will try to summarize everything I read and tried it into a tested & true solution that I’m currently using for the Fez installer.

Please note that this solution does not work if your game requires use of the GamerServicesComponent of live networking using XNA, since you need the whole Game Studio for it to work. (see this post)
Also, it wasn’t made with 64-bit operating systems in mind, so if you’re going to support them you’ll have to modify it. It has been known to work on Vista though.

Continue reading Making an installer for an XNA GS 2.0 game

XNA 2.0 and Windows Forms

I’ve been trying out XNA 2.0 recently and sadly, my former method of using the internal WindowsGameForm and play with it to add all the desired controls has seemingly stopped working. :(

Fortunately, Pedro Güida on CodeProject has found a much simpler way to achieve that, and which enables the use of the Windows Forms Designer instead of adding all the controls by hand like I did. I’m currently implementing that in the Fez editor and I encourage you to do the same! It’s the cleanest method I’ve seen yet.

I’m mostly posting this because my article on Windows Forms has been the most popular on my blog since I posted it, and I wouldn’t like people to take the time to implement it and find out it just doesn’t work anymore. I’ll put a note on the original article that says “XNA 1.0 Refresh only!”, if people are still using that.

The aforementioned article also presents how to use XNA with Visual Studio 2008, WPF projects and even Silverlight, so it’s a good read in any case.

Behind Fez : Trixels (and why we don’t just say voxels)

A follow-up with much greater detail to this post can be found here.

Alright, here’s a couple of explainations about the rendering technology behind Fez, what we call trixels.

Some people on deviantART and the TIGS blog post have pointed out how these are pretty much just voxels, but with a trendy name. As the lead programmer, I beg to differ… a bit.

First, everything is rendered 3D, at all times. The 2D views are just orthographic (a.k.a. isometric) views of the world from a direction or another. Since the Z component disappears, the character considers the whole world as 2D and can go from very far objects to very close objects without distinction.

Each visible pixel-art tile that you see while playing the game in 2D view is part of a 3D cube, which we call a trile. Each trile is a 16x16x16 volume which is formed of 4096 potential trixels. Obviously, not all trixels are rendered, else it would be incredibly slow… so only the border trixels are considered. But in the data storage, it’s basically a 3D presence array which tells the renderer if a trixel is present/on, or absent/off.

Up to now, I could’ve called them voxels and it wouldn’t have made any difference… but when it comes to rendering, we want every 2D side of the trile to look like believable pixel art, so it needs to be made of smaller cubes. Standard voxel triangulation is complicated because it wants to look as close to the initial (curved, organic) shape as possible… but we don’t! We want that pixelated, 8-bit look.

So we make assumptions. And that allows very intuitive polygon reduction and culling algorithms, allowing pretty good detail on these triles.

As for the texturing, cubemaps are used, which links trixels to pixels even more. Each pixel of the cubemap (so each visible 2D pixel) ends up as trixel of the trile.

So there you have it. Trixels are voxels, but with some special properties, a special (simpler) triangulation algorithm, and in a pretty special game. :)

The pretty pictures :

1st : Pretty ugly trile with sculpted trixels in “fezzer”, the game content editor.
2nd : Wireframe version of that trile, computed in realtime; notice how little polygons are needed and used.
3rd : A scene, rendered with the game engine.

Fez is finally ready.

I’ve been working (my ass off and compromising my job and social life) on this game called Fez for a couple of months, and 5 hours from the Independent Games Festival entry submission deadline, it’s finally OVER!

Well, the demo. But it’s a full level, with dialogues, collectibles, sound, music and a pretty full demonstration of the game’s concept… which I can’t show too much of right now, especially the concept and what’s original about it, but here’s some in-game material that I can release. It’s a screenshot, taken directly from the game, no mocking-up here.

Continue reading Fez is finally ready.

XNA Service Injection Sample


ServicesDemo.rar [13 kb] – XNA GSE 1.0 Refresh Project (source only, the executable is pointless)


Finally, here it is!

In my last blog post I said I’d be doing a sample of what’s explained in it, so service dependencies and service injection in components and other services, in an XNA context. It actually worked in my own game for many weeks, but I just found the time and motivation to finish up my sample.

Details about the sample structure after the jump.

Continue reading XNA Service Injection Sample

Service Dependencies in Game Components

Update : See this post for a sample project!

Last summer I worked with Microsoft patterns & practicesGuidance Automation Toolkit, one of their software factories used for convenient Visual Studio 2005 extensibility. It imposed a strict but well-made service/component model not unlike XNA, but had some more stuff that I thought could become necessary in a big XNA game project; two of those being service dependencies and injection in components and services. So I went ahead an implemented them in an XNA context.

The principle is an extension to the current service/component model of XNA :

  • Components should be “pluggable” and react properly when removed from or appended to a project;
  • The only communication points between a component and its environment are the services it obtains from the game context.

This already works in a typical XNA project. My problem was that if a component needs a service to behave properly, it has no direct means of telling the game, so if the game can’t provide it, the component will throw a NullReferenceException when using the null service that the service collection returned.

Continue reading Service Dependencies in Game Components