Wrap texture adressing within a sprite sheet or atlas

FEZ shipped with volume textures (aka 3D textures) for all the sprite animations in the game. Gomez, NPCs and other animated pixel art were all done using those. This was a tech call that I made way back in 2008 and kept with it because it makes more sense than you might think :

  • No need to do texture packing and keeping track of where frames are in the sheet; a volume texture is an ordered list of 3D textures, every frame is a slice!
  • The pixel shader just does a tex3D() call with the Z component of the texture coordinates being the step of the animation between 0 and 1.
  • Cool side-effect : hardware linear interpolation between animation frames! This wasn’t very useful for me (except for one thing, water caustic overlays), but it’s a nice bonus.
  • Mip-mapping with 3D textures is problematic because it downsizes in X, Y and Z, meaning that each mip level halves the number of frames. However, I didn’t need mip mapping at all (for sprites), I never undersample pixel art.
  • Same limitation when making a volume texture power-of-two, it also goes power-of-two in the Z axis which means a lot of blank frames, which is wasteful but not a huge problem to deal with.

But while I haven’t done real testing, one can assume that they’re slower than a regular 2D sprite sheet, and they imply that you have one texture by animation, which restricts how much you can pack things together. Creating a volume texture at load-time with XNA Texture2D.SetData() calls means one call per animation frame, which is noticeably slow. Also, volume textures are not currently supported by MonoGame, and I assume some integrated graphics hardware would have trouble dealing with them.

So the more traditional alternative is using a sprite sheet, which is easy to make using tools like the Sprite Sheet Packer.

But then what if you need to use wrap texture addressing on it, to have horizontally and/or vertically repeating textures?

If you only repeat on one axis, have relatively small textures and a small number of frames, you can force the texture packer to layout the sprites on a single row or column, which allows wrapping on the other axis.

This worked for some animations, but some were just too big or had too many frames to fit it in under 4096 pixels. In that case, there’s one final option : pixel shaders to the rescue!

When addressing the texture in your shader, you’re likely to use a 3×3 texture matrix, or a 4D vector if you’re short on input parameters. Either way, you have four components : UV offset and UV scale. You can use those to manually wrap the texture coordinates on a per-pixel basis. In the sample below, I extract the data from a texture matrix.

Vertex Shader

Out.TextureCoordinates = mul(float3(In.TextureCoordinates, 1), Matrices_Texture).xy;
Out.UVMinimum = Matrices_Texture[2].xy;
Out.UVScale = float2(Matrices_Texture[0][0], Matrices_Texture[1][1]);

Pixel Shader

float2 tc = In.TextureCoordinates;
tc = frac((tc - In.UVMinimum) / In.UVScale) * In.UVScale + In.UVMinimum;
float4 sample = tex2D(AnimatedSampler, tc);

The frac() HLSL intrinsic retains the decimal part of its input, which gives the normalized portion of the texture that the coordinates are supposed to show. Then I remap that to the sprite’s area in the atlas, and sample using those.

I ended up only needing wrapping on one axis for that big texture/animation, but this code does both just in case. This is WAY simpler than customizing the vertex texture coordinates to allow wrapping.
One caveat though, this won’t play well with linear filtering. Since FEZ is pixel art, I could get away with point sampling and had no artifacts there.

P.S. A simple fix to enable usage of linear filtering : pad the sprites with 1 pixel column and rows of the opposite side of the texture! (and don’t include those in the sampled area; it only gets sampled by the interpolator)

Cubes All The Way Down @ MIGS

Back in November 2011, I gave a talk at the Montréal International Game Summit in the Technology track called “Cubes All The Way Down”, where I talked about how FEZ was built, what’s the big modules, the challenges and intricacies of making a tech-heavy indie game from scratch.

It went okay.
I was really stressed, a bit unprepared due to FEZ crunch time, and just generally uncomfortable speaking in front of an audience.
I spoke so fast that I finished 15 minutes early and had 30 minutes for questions, which worked great for me because the relaxed setting of a Q&A session meant better flow, better information delivery, I really liked that part. Also I had friends in the front row that kept asking good questions and were generally supportive, so all in all a good experience. :)

I was asked about giving the slides out, so here they are! Unedited.

It’s Cubes All The Way Down (Powerpoint 2007 PPTX format) (PDF format)


Smart Screen-Space Blurring for Shadows

I’ve been working on a screen-space solution for blurring shadows that has the following features :

  • Variable-sized kernel based on surface distance and view angle
  • Rejection of samples if they lie on a non-contiguous surface, by identifying depth and normal discontinuities
  • Bilateral, two-pass blur filter to maximize the possible kernel size
  • Vertex and pixel shader 3.0, so no worry about 64 instructions in the PS

…but also works with the following constraints, to simplify matters :

  • Flat surfaces only, no curves! (to simplify the sample rejection process)
  • Full control over the rendering pipeline, so the “main render” pass can output weird values in order to be properly blurred

I quickly realized that it’s very hard or impossible to do a variable-sized Gaussian filter in real-time. If you change the kernel size, you change the standard deviation, and you need to recalculate the weights… this is too heavy for a pixel shader. So I chose to use a box filter with uniformly-spaced samples.
I totally would’ve liked to use Poisson-Disk distribution, but it’s not doable in a two-pass bilateral scenario. And you can’t achieve big kernels in real-time without separating the process in two passes.

My XNA3 implementation currently uses no additional render targets (!) but just a “resolve texture”, and resolves from the main buffer quite a lot. A R32F (Single) render target is used for the shadowmapping process itself, but otherwise everything’s done with a A8R8G8B8 (Color) main buffer.
The shadowmapping solution is standard orthographic/directional depth testing, but I’m using Exponential Shadow Maps (ESM) to simplify the depth biasing problems. I could never get my hands on a really good way to do Slope-Scale Biasing for standard depth testing, so ESM saves the day here. Otherwise, there’s no fancy cascading, splitting or projection tricks.

Here’s how it looks at different distances. The blur kernel stays approximately the same size in world-space even if the whole process is screen-space!

I’ll keep working on a clean sample to show, and I’ll definitely release the HLSL code if I can’t release the source to the whole thing. Stay tuned!

Common Kanji Character Ranges for XNA SpriteFont Rendering

Note : This sample is practically useless, because the XNA Localization sample has a much better alternative using the Content Pipeline and character detection from resource files, which works for any language (Chinese, Korean, Japanese…). But I guess if you wanted to get the ranges of common Kanji, here’s how.

While working on Japanese language support in XNA, I realized a couple of things about Japanese writing (some of which may seem obvious, but wasn’t for me) :

  • There’s two broad character sets : Kana (syllabic) and Kanji (logographic)
  • Kana has two modern subsystems or components, Hiragana and Katakana, each with two distinct Unicode regions of respectively 92 and 95 different glyphs (187 total)
  • Kanji originate from Chinese “Han” characters, and are stored within the CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) portion of Unicode. But CJK characters don’t uniquely reference Japanese logographs, and it contains over 20000 glyphs!
  • There’s over 10000 actual Japanese kanji, but only about 2000 of which every high-school grade Japanese person should know

In XNA, the SpriteFont class and its associated content pipeline use bitmap fonts internally to cache and render text strings. It becomes obvious that generating a bitmap font with 20000 Han characters would take a very long time, and is also very irresponsible memory usage. Even 10000 characters seems ridiculous.
I wanted to keep using SpriteFonts, so switching to a realtime font rendering option like FreeType was out of question. So how does one make bitmap fonts usable in Japanese?

While researching the subject, I stumbled upon a whitepaper called “Unicode and Japanese Kanji” by Tony Pottier, in which he discusses how to isolate Japanese Kanji from the CJK characters, and even dresses a list of all 1946 unique characters that are learned in Japanese education up to grade 7 (sorted by Unicode point, or by learning grade). Even if it’s a large amount of glyphs, it’s a lot more reasonable than 10k.

So the only remaining step is to make this table into a a list of XML CharacterRegion elements so that we can use them in an XNA SpriteFont declaration.
I made a little C#3 program that takes a list of Kanji, one per line, and blurts out the expected XML; it also joins the succeeding characters into regions to save space.

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace KanjiFinder
    static class Program
        static void Main()
            var output = new StreamWriter("regions.xml");
            var input = File.ReadAllLines("kanjis.txt");
            var writeCount = 0;
            var intervalsCount = 0;

            var start = (int)char.Parse(input[0]);
            var end = start;
            foreach (var line in input)
                var cur = (int)char.Parse(line);
                if (cur - start > 1)
                    output.WriteLine(string.Format("<CharacterRegion><Start>&#x{0:X4};</Start><End>&#x{1:X4};</End></CharacterRegion>", start, end));
                    writeCount += end - start + 1;
                    start = cur;
                end = cur;
            output.WriteLine(string.Format("<CharacterRegion><Start>&#x{0:X4};</Start><End>&#x{1:X4};</End></CharacterRegion>", start, end));
            writeCount += end - start + 1;


            if (writeCount != input.Length)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

Here’s its input kanjis.txt (in Unicode format), and its result is regions.xml.

I chose to go up to Grade 7, but one may choose to ignore Grade 7 characters and just do 1-6. I don’t know whether Grade 7 characters are useful in game menus and usual dialogue.

All that’s left is to put those regions in a <CharacterRegions> tag inside a .spritefont file, and supply a valid Japanese font! Thankfully, Windows 7 comes with a bundle of these (MS Gothic, Kozuka, Mieryo and Mincho) and the M+ Fonts offer a public domain alternative.

Apart from the Kanji regions list, a couple more regions you’ll probably need :

<!-- Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation -->
<!-- Hiragana -->
<!-- Katakana -->
<!-- Fullwidth Latin -->
<!-- and/or the standard Latin set... -->

That’s it! Hope it helped.

Squaring The Thumbsticks

Update (Oct. 26th) : Better interpolation = better shaping, and the simpler “inscribed square” method.
Update (Nov. 4th) : Exact and customizable solution!

The input values of thumbsticks on an Xbox 360 controller are always contained inside the unit circle, a disk centered on the origin and whose radius is 1. This is usually fine, because you want to interpret the values as a vector inside that circle… but if you want to provide an analog version of a D-Pad, for instance to control a character in a 2D platformer, then you’ll find that your character will never reach maximum horizontal speed unless you hit the (1, 0) or (-1, 0) vectors, exactly right or left. Anything tilted up or down will give a fractional speed, and if you hit a diagonal corner, you’ll end up with ±√½.

So what if the analog stick was a square area instead, such that the entire circumference has a least one component maxed out, like the contour of a square?
It may seem like a simple thing to do, but it proved to be a lot of trouble, and in the end I chose to use an approximation (nope, it worked out in the end!)… but here’s how I researched the problem.

Attempt #1 : Wrong way around

I first googled “Mapping circle to square“, and ended up on a blog entry that describes the inverse transform. Fine, I’ll just invert it, isolate the x and y variables as a function of x’ and y’… But that proved to be a problem.

Wolfram|Alpha doesn’t know what to do with it, and after making it more manageable (for x, for y), it gives 4 different answers that seem to work only for specific intervals, but doesn’t say which…
I tried doing it by hand and was stuck early on, because I suck at this.

And since I don’t have access to (nor know how to use) proper nonlinear equation solvers, I decided to give up.

Attempt #2 : Projections

By googling some more and varying search terms, I stumbled upon a cool flicker image titled “Conformal Transformation: from Circle to Square“. That’s exactly what I need!
But alas, it involves something called elliptic integrals and this also goes beyond my math understanding, or the amount of effort I was willing to put in this. The description also links to the Peirce quincuncial projection, which maps a sphere to a square, but the math also goes above my head (complex numbers arithmetic and again, elliptic integrals).

At this point I realized that what I was trying to do was not trivial.

Attempt #3 : Intuition serves best

So I just went back what I usually do : analyze the problem, determine what I expect as a basic solution, and work my way there.

  • Problem : The smallest horizontal component I end up with is ±√½, or ±~0.707, when the θ angle is π/4, 3π/4, 5π/4 or 7π/4.
  • Solution : Scale this to ±1, so by a factor of √2.

The scale for angles close to diagonals should fall down to identity (1) when it reaches a cardinal direction, though I’m not sure about the interpolation curve… Linear should do fine?

(code removed because it’s kinda shitty)

And for additional fun and testing, here’s how evenly-spaced random points inside the unit disk stretch to the unit square using this function (points generated by my Uniform Poisson-Disk code) :

Linear interpolation

Not bad? Good enough for me.

Attempt #4 : Interpolation and variations

I then tried different interpolation/easing methods for the scaling factor, and tried raigan’s idea of just scaling and clamping linearly the circle to a square, here’s what it looks like!

Quadratic interpolation

Inscribed square

I tried sine, quadratic and circular ease in/out/in-out from my easing functions library, and quadratic ease-in was the most balanced. It almost shapes everything to a square, very little clamping is necessary, so I’ll keep that in.

The inscribed square method is nice and simple, but cuts off a lot of values and keeps circular gradients in its area. But in the real world, for 2D platformer input, it’s probably just fine…

Attempt #5 : Epic win

So, I decided to give another shot at this after speaking on the bus with a friend about polar coordinates and trigonometry. Turns out there is a more exact solution, and by adding a “inner roundness” parameter you can also tweak how much of the center input will remain circular, while still touching the sides for circumference values.

Here is my final C# function, then I’ll explain how it works :

static Vector2 CircleToSquare(Vector2 point)
	return CircleToSquare(point, 0);
static Vector2 CircleToSquare(Vector2 point, double innerRoundness)
	const float PiOverFour = MathHelper.Pi / 4;

	// Determine the theta angle
	var angle = Math.Atan2(point.Y, point.X) + MathHelper.Pi;

	Vector2 squared;
	// Scale according to which wall we're clamping to
	// X+ wall
	if (angle <= PiOverFour || angle > 7 * PiOverFour)
		squared = point * (float)(1 / Math.Cos(angle));
	// Y+ wall
	else if (angle > PiOverFour && angle <= 3 * PiOverFour)
		squared = point * (float)(1 / Math.Sin(angle));
	// X- wall
	else if (angle > 3 * PiOverFour && angle <= 5 * PiOverFour)
		squared = point * (float)(-1 / Math.Cos(angle));
	// Y- wall
	else if (angle > 5 * PiOverFour && angle <= 7 * PiOverFour)
		squared = point * (float)(-1 / Math.Sin(angle));
	else throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid angle...?");

	// Early-out for a perfect square output
	if (innerRoundness == 0)
		return squared;

	// Find the inner-roundness scaling factor and LERP
	var length = point.Length();
	var factor = (float) Math.Pow(length, innerRoundness);
	return Vector2.Lerp(point, squared, factor);
Inner roundness = 0

Inner roundness = 1

Inner roundness = 5

There are two concepts here :

  1. The scaling factor can be calculated for every theta angle without any need for interpolation. It happens to be the inverse of the sine or cosine of the angle, depending on which wall you’re trying to clamp to. This gives a perfect square all around.
  2. By interpolating relatively to the length of the input vector, it’s possible to preserve the circular shape in the center and still clamp to the sides for extreme inputs.

I think I’m done with this now! Yay.

A Render/SamplerState Stack and Manager for XNA

I’ve been meaning to make something like this for a long time, and I know that some engines like Xen offer a viable solution already, but I wanted to make my KISS solution that interferes with the standard XNA interface as little as possible.

It’s a pretty lengthy snippet of code, so I won’t paste it all here, but basically there’s three classes : the StateStack, ManagedRenderStates and ManagedSamplerStates.


StateStack is a static extension class to the GraphicsDevice. It could be just another static class, or even a global XNA service, but since it’s going to be used in combination with the GraphicsDevice most of the time, I thought it was logical to use extensions.
You can push, pop and peek the current state, which takes and returns ManagedRenderState objects. It’s very similar to how OpenGL works with the attribute stack (glPushAttrib), except you don’t choose what you push, the entire state gets pushed/popped everytime. I didn’t think isolating states in categories was useful or natural in XNA.
The ResetState and CommitState methods are shorthands to the same methods in ManagedRenderState.

ManagedRenderState is like a wrapper over a RenderState object, such that it has the same interface : a read/write property for each render state and access to the SamplerState collection.
The difference is that it tracks changes to render states as you make them, marks properties as dirty and applies only what’s needed when you decide to Commit. The Reset method refreshes the object with the current state of the GraphicsDevice; this needs to be done at the beginning of every draw call, or everytime you think the state has been tampered with.

ManagedSamplerState does the same thing but for sampler states : addressing, filtering, etc. You don’t call Reset or Commit on it directly, it gets done automatically by its host ManagedRenderState.

I added blending mode and texture filtering helper methods to both State classes, because I end up using that a lot… and with proper state management, you don’t have to worry about redundant assignments! So you can be permissive and set everything you need, every time.


So what does it look like to use it?
The Game class needs to do some initialization and per-draw-call stuff first…

protected override void Initialize()

    // Other stuff

protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)


void SetDefaultRenderStates()
    var rs = GraphicsDevice.PeekState();

    rs.DepthBufferEnable = true;

    rs.SamplerStates[0].AddressU = rs.SamplerStates[0].AddressV = TextureAddressMode.Wrap;


Then to use the state stack, you don’t ever touch the GraphicsDevice.RenderState object : always use the Managed equivalent.

// Push a copy of the state on the stack
var rs = GraphicsDevice.PushState();

// Always-on-top, and don't disturb the depth buffer, and no culling
rs.DepthBufferFunction = CompareFunction.Always;
rs.DepthBufferWriteEnable = false;
rs.CullMode = CullMode.None;

// Commit changes

// Draw some stuff

// Pop back to the last state
// We are now back to the last state

Download & Conclusion

I think it makes a lot of sense to stack states in a component system, because each component can push its own local state and work with it, and just dispose it afterwards. Add this to dirty-checking to remove almost all redundant state changes, and you’ve got a very usable system!

The next step is batching draw calls to keep calls that use the same RenderStates together… in my system, this is left to the user’s discretion. Kevin Gadd presented a way of doing this (and many other things including threaded rendering) on his blog.

Another rather important note : ManagedRenderState contains a MaxSamplers constant that you can tweak depending on the number of sampler states you know you’ll use. Leaving it at 16 will make update/reset/refresh operations kind of slow… not sure yet if it’s noticeable.

And because of the immense amount of copy-paste that’s been needed to produce these classes, I can’t promise that it doesn’t have a typo or two… I haven’t tested every single state. But up to now, it works great, and I’ll update it if needed.

StateStack.cs (2 kb – C# class)
ManagedRenderState.cs (30 kb – C# class)
ManagedSamplerState.cs (7 kb – C# class)

Bonuses in the code files : a method to unpack a packed color from uint to Color, and a simplistic object Pool implementation (to eliminate garbage when stacking up states).

Hope you find it useful!

WaitUntil Component

Here’s a little something that I hope to use increasingly in the future : elements of functional programming to facilitate modification of state over time or game loops, without using threads all over the place. It’s nothing new, and there are other solutions (like Nick Gravelyn’s Interpolators and Timers), but I tried to make it as concise and generic as I could.

Here it is, more comments after the listing.

using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices;

namespace Foo
    public class WaitUntil : IGameComponent, IUpdateable
        public static Game Game { private get; set; }

        public static void GuideDisappears(Action onValid)
            Game.Components.Add(new WaitUntil(_ => !Guide.IsVisible, onValid));

        public static void TimePassed(float secondsToWait, Action onValid)
            Game.Components.Add(new WaitUntil(waited => (waited as TimeKeeper).Elapsed.TotalSeconds > secondsToWait,
                                              (elapsed, waited) => (waited as TimeKeeper).Elapsed += elapsed,
                                              onValid, new TimeKeeper()));
        class TimeKeeper { public TimeSpan Elapsed; }

        readonly Func<object, bool> condition;
        readonly Action<TimeSpan, object> whileWaiting;
        readonly Action onValid;
        readonly object state;

        WaitUntil(Func<object, bool> condition, Action onValid) : this(condition, ActionHelper.NullAction, onValid) { }
        WaitUntil(Func<object, bool> condition, Action<TimeSpan, object> whileWaiting, Action onValid) : this(condition, whileWaiting, onValid, null) { }
        WaitUntil(Func<object, bool> condition, Action<TimeSpan, object> whileWaiting, Action onValid, object state) 
            this.condition = condition;
            this.whileWaiting = whileWaiting;
            this.onValid = onValid;
            this.state = state;

        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (condition(state))
                whileWaiting(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime, state);

        #region Stuff we don't care about
        public void Initialize() { }
        public bool Enabled { get { return true; } }
        public event EventHandler EnabledChanged;
        public event EventHandler UpdateOrderChanged;
        public int UpdateOrder { get { return 0; } }

    public static class ActionHelper
        public static void NullAction<T, U>(T t, U u) { }

I ended up using basically a GameComponent, which means I need access to a Game instance to add it and remove it from the component collection. I decided to use a static field (that you assign in the Game’s constructor) to avoid passing it every time. It’s very unlikely that the Game instance will change or be destroyed… and I already static-ified it in my ServiceHelper earlier anyway.

I also wrote a couple (okay, two) static factory methods that are slightly fluent-interface-ey.

// (from the context of your Game class implementation)
    // Say "OK" when the guide stops being visible, like this?
    Components.Add(new WaitUntil(_ => !Guide.IsVisible, () => Console.WriteLine("OK!")));
    // ...or like this!
    WaitUntil.GuideDisappears(() => Console.WriteLine("OK!"));

    // And while we're at it...
void WaitForTwoSeconds()
    Console.WriteLine("Will wait for two seconds...");
    // ...recursive timers!
    WaitUntil.TimePassed(2, WaitForTwoSeconds);

I’ll probably add new factory methods as the needs arise, and make the class overall more useful, but I feel like it’s a good start.
I used the “GuideDisappears” method when a gamer signs out and I want to show a warning message using the Xbox Guide before going back to a sign-up screen… but since signing out is usually performed from the Guide itself, you have to wait for it to close before doing anything. This seemed like the simplest solution, and it works great.

Quick Tip : Stencil Buffer Comparisons

I just realized something today about the stencil buffer, which I love and use extensively in Fez to do tricky screen-space effects and keep everything single-pass.
Even though the way it works is really standard, documented in the APIs and even has the exact same behavior in both DirectX and OpenGL… it kinda goes against what you’d expect.

Let’s say you want to only draw pixels where the current stencil buffer value is greater than 4. In your mind, it probably goes like this (in a fictitious “foreach pixel in screen” loop) :

if (stencilBuffer > 4) draw();

…and if so, I’m totally with you. You already wrote to the stencil buffer, and now you want to compare against it. Intuitively, the reference value would be at the right-hand-side of the comparison operator.

But nope, wrong way around! This is how the GPU expects you to think :

if (4 > stencilBuffer) draw();

This OpenGL page on the stencil buffer states it clearly :

GL_GREATER : [stencil test] passes if reference value is greater than stencil buffer

This applies for Less, LessEqual, Greater and GreaterEqual operators. When you test a reference value against the stencil buffer, you test it in that precise order : the reference value goes at the left-hand-side of the comparison operator.

Hope I saved you some confusion! I sure wasted an hour on this one…

Top Sources of Heap Garbage

In the last Xbox-related entry I posted, I mentioned how the CLR Profiler can be a very useful tool to know what are the biggest sources of heap garbage in your .NET project. I used it extensively in the past month to optimize my game to run on the Xbox, and here’s a rundown of my biggest programming “mistakes” (or problematic liberties?).


Even the simplest LINQ queries like :

List<List<Potato>> potatoBags;
foreach (var potato in potatoBags.SelectMany(x => x))
  // ...

…will cause a noticeable amount of heap garbage. This includes Where clauses, OrderBy clauses, everything! It’s sad because I think that LINQ is a fantastic code-thinning tool, but it’s not an option on limited-memory systems like the Xbox.

That said, if you want to use LINQ at initialization/loading time, feel free to do so. The problems only arise in update/draw calls.

2. Automatic XNB Deserialization

At one point, I got sick or writing ContentTypeWriter and ContentTypeReader classes and started building an XNB automatic serializer and deserializer based on Alexander’s (John Doe?) work on the subject. On Windows, the load times remained the same and it greatly simplified or deleted many of my content pipeline classes.

But on the Xbox the load times were horrible. Even in Release and without the debugger attached, the load times were at least 5x as slow as on my PC. I then discovered that reflection calls generate a lot of heap garbage — and it’s not even clear if memory stays allocated or if it eventually gets compacted by the GC…

So I swallowed my pride and switched back to good old Reader/Writers. But hey, now the load times are super fast.

3. Using classes when you can use structs

Coming from a Java background, I’m very used to classes and I’ll use them for pretty much everything. Even data structures that get created at runtime, because it’s so handy to have references and everyone pointing to the same object…

Turns out using structs has a lot of advantages. Intuitively I thought that the by-copy parameter passing would just make everything slower, but if you keep your structures small enough it has little to no effect on performance. The fact that they reside on the stack and not on the heap makes them a much better option for the Xbox. So datatypes like collision result objects, object identifiers, anything that you need to create often when the game is running should be made into structs.

4. Object pools (are a good thing)

Sometimes you just need to dynamically allocate reference objects in your algorithms. Or even value-types can get allocated on the heap if they’re at class-local scope. But you can minimize the damage by using object pools!

They’re really easy to set up (I found this Ziggyware article to be a good starting point) and they’ll save you heap garbage by preallocating to the number of objects you’ll actually need, and extending the lifetime of objects that would otherwise be disposable trash.

5. Removing objects from a collection that you’re enumerating

I thought I had found a really good way to fix the old problem of “Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute” when you remove an object from a collection when you’re foreach’ing on it :

foreach (var potato in potatoBag.ToArray())
  if (potato.Expired)

It’s pretty cute, no? Very little impact on the iteration code. But it also copies the whole collection to a brand new array everytime you’re enumerating it… :(

What I ended up doing instead to minimize garbage is :

// This is allocated once, at the class-level scope
readonly List<Potato> expiredPotatoes = new List<Potato>();

public void Update()
  // Standard update
  foreach (var potato in potatoBag)
    if (potato.Expired)
  // Removing pass
  foreach (var expired in expiredPotatoes)

It’s certainly heavier code-wise, but at least it’s clean. And it’s faster too.

6. Enums as Dictionary keys

If you use an enum as the TKey type parameter for a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> object, you’ll have a small amount of garbage generated everytime you access the dictionary. But there’s an easy way around it : you just need to build a Comparer class for the enum type (which is under 10 lines of code) and pass it to the constructor of your dictionary.

Cheers to Nick Gravelyn for pointing out a solution to that problem.

7. Collections should be pre-allocated

When possible, you should use the parameterized constructors of all your Lists, Dictionaries, HashSets and whatever other collection types that you use, such that their backing arrays are pre-allocated to the number of elements that you plan to add to them.

Starting them with the default parameterless constructor will force the collection to grow (using Array.Resize, which trashes the old array and creates a new, bigger one) until you filled it completely.


That’s it for now.
I know, 7 is a terrible number for a “Top N” list, but I can’t think of other major sources of garbage that I’ve encountered. The rest goes down to good programming practices. (don’t instantiate reference types all over the place, etc.)

Hope it helped!

A Shared Content Manager for XNA

In an average-sized XNA game, you’ll end up having many levels using many art assets, with most of them sharing textures and models between each other. Using the standard ContentManager class, the basic approach is to load all of a level’s assets into a single ContentManager, and unload it when switching levels : this way there is no possible memory leak and memory usage is kept to a minimum.

But what about load times? Users usually want level transitions to be as seamless as possible, yet we can’t just pre-load everything, you gotta watch the memory budget…

Sharing is caring

One solution is to preserve shared assets : an asset that is loaded for Level #1 and re-used in Level #2 can be kept in memory instead of being destroyed and reloaded. Memory-wise it’s costless because you were about to reload it anyway; keeping it for a longer time has no negative effect.

A simple way to keep track of shared assets is to use reference counting : increment a counter whenever you ask to load an asset, and flush assets that have 0 references when you unload. But even the almighty Shawn Hargreaves thinks it’s a bad idea…

[…] reference counting sucks for all sorts of reasons I can’t be bothered to go into here. It is better than nothing, but falls short of the automatic, rapid development approach .NET developers have rightly come to expect.

Fair enough, but how about making asset disposal transparent by using the same ContentManager containers with the same public interface, yet use reference counting in the background?

I tried doing exactly that, and had great success with it, so I suggest you take a look at the code below and give it a shot!

public class SharedContentManager : ContentManager
    static CommonContentManager Common;
    List<string> loadedAssets;

    public SharedContentManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string rootDirectory) 
        : base(serviceProvider, rootDirectory)
        loadedAssets = new List<string>();

    static void EnsureSharedInitialized() 
        if (Common == null)
            Common = new CommonContentManager(ServiceProvider, RootDirectory);

    // This is ripped straight off the ContentManager disassembled source...
    // Wouldn't have to do that if it were protected! :)
    internal static string GetCleanPath(string path)
        // Ugly, boring code that you'll get if you download the codefile

    public override T Load<T>(string assetName)
        assetName = GetCleanPath(assetName);
        return Common.Load<T>(assetName);

    public override void Unload()
        if (loadedAssets == null)
            throw new ObjectDisposedException(typeof(SharedContentManager).Name);

        loadedAssets = null;


    class CommonContentManager : ContentManager
        readonly Dictionary<string, ReferencedAsset> references;

        public CommonContentManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string rootDirectory) 
            : base(serviceProvider, rootDirectory)
            references = new Dictionary<string, ReferencedAsset>();

        public override T Load<T>(string assetName)
            assetName = GetCleanPath(assetName);

            ReferencedAsset refAsset;
            if (!references.TryGetValue(assetName, out refAsset))
                refAsset = new ReferencedAsset { Asset = ReadAsset<T>(assetName, null) };
                references.Add(assetName, refAsset);

            return (T) refAsset.Asset;

        public void Unload(SharedContentManager container)
            foreach (var assetName in container.loadedAssets)
                var refAsset = references[assetName];
                if (refAsset.References == 0)
                    if (refAsset.Asset is IDisposable)
                        (refAsset.Asset as IDisposable).Dispose();

        class ReferencedAsset
            public object Asset;
            public int References;


By design, the class assumes that all your content managers will have the same root path and use the same service provider. This version uses the constructor parameters of the first instance for all subsequent instances. It’s kind of redundant to pass those parameters everytime since they aren’t used after the first instance has been created, you can probably simplify and optimize that part (I did otherwise in my project but it’s tied to my engine code).

Content loading is not thread-safe with this method. The version I use in my project again uses a different way to initialize the common content manager and monitors, but I thought it made the implementation too heavy for demonstration… this too would need work if you use threaded loading.

It works if you use forward slashes for paths because of the GetCleanPath method. But fun fact, it treats paths and filenames as case-sensitive so it will reload assets if you change the case between loadings! So be careful with that, or fix it. :P


Here’s the procedure for level transitions :

// Create a content manager for the next level
var nextLevelCM = new SharedContentManager(Game.Services, Game.Content.RootDirectory);

// Load the content for this next level
var fooTexture = nextLevelCM.Load<Texture>("foo");
var barSound = nextLevelCM.Load<SoundEffect>("bar");

// Unload the current (old) level's content manager

// Cycle
currentLevelCM = nextLevelCM;

If you unload the last level’s content manager before you load the next level’s content, all the assets will be reloaded, which renders my code useless. Make sure you follow that order!

The code can be downloaded here : SharedContentManager.cs (4 kB, XNA 3.0 / C#3.5)

And that’s it! Hope it works for you!