Double-Sided Bumped Refraction


Both downloads are Visual Basic.NET 2005 projects.

Refraction.rar [408Kb] – Simpler first version
Refraction_v2.rar [665Kb] – Second version, now with backface rendering (double-sided refraction) and more test models


A specular-capable, normal-mapped, double-sided refraction shader that can be applied to pretty much any TVMesh, originally asked by forum user WEst.

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The Blue Planet


HLSLBluePlanet.rar [8.9Mb] – C# 2.0 (VS.NET 2005)


This demo is the remake of an old 6.2 demo I had made to test materials and lighting. I was always decieved by that lack of proper bump-mapping in 6.2… so I remade it in 6.5 with custom shaders, very high-resolution textures and normal-maps, and even the moon!

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